We like to travel to relatively remote areas — coastal, mountains, forest, desert – occasionally outside the country — usually minimalistically with a small camper or tent. I take a lot of photos, and this is a place to share a few of them, even though they are not truly of “Barbolian Fields.”
Sometimes I call these adventures going into “Zone 6,” meaning beyond our own backyards and into the wild side of the environment.
Whether we venture here to forage or perhaps just to marvel, this is where we can let our stresses go, breathe deeply, and simply live in the moment. We might sit down a spell and read, draw, or just listen. We might also just quietly walk on through the heart of Nature’s garden. It’s like a portal into another world.
These are places where there is minimal human impact; where we can readily see the interconnections of plant and animal communities and how they all work together for survival. Nature is always in flux. We see a mere fraction of what is there.
I am so very humbled by the complexity, beauty, and wonder of these places. It always reminds me of why we must all come together to ensure we do not inadvertently destroy something so resilient and yet so very fragile. We are all connected. If even a small part is destroyed, a part of us will be also.
I will always seek these deep wilderness places for as long as I am able.
True – it can be difficult to leave our gardens in the height of the growing season – we get so caught up in all the things that need to be done – but I think it is important to get outside our self-imposed restrictions and gain perspectives.
And so — here we are. Or there we were. I will be adding images as time permits. Hope you enjoy.
- Hamma Hamma River, Olympic Peninsula, January 2025
- Southwest Four Corners: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah 2024
- Hobuck Beach, Neah Bay
- Quinault Rainforest, January 2021
Thank you for visiting.
(* The idea of “zones” is frequently used in permaculture design to identify areas of use, going from 0 to 5 in decreasing order of activity and maintenance. If Zone 0 is our personal space on out to Zone 5, the area that is unmanaged and allowed to grow wild, then Zone 6, to me, is beyond the wild, perhaps into deep wilderness spaces. Want to know more about zones 1-5 at Barbolian Fields?)