Hello Friends!
Interested in herbs, plants, or any of the other crafts and products you see on this site?
Just shoot me an e-mail at blythe @ barbolian . com (without the spaces, of course)
Normally, I would have a form here to fill out – but I am currently looking for alternatives because I get an incredible amount of spam mail!
So let’s try it the old-fashioned way for awhile! I won’t ask you to pick out sidewalks and traffic lights to prove you are not a robot.
Other questions? Just want to talk about crafts, bees, gardens, and ecosystems? Yes! Would love to chat.
Wondering about whether we have something or not? We frequently add things, and sometimes things are temporarily out of stock. We are a home-based business and appreciate your understanding that not everything gets updated immediately on the site.
(I’m sorry, we are no longer selling Warré beehives or Solexx kits and materials.)
Thanks for contacting us. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Looking forward to chatting with you!
P.S. Before you go… Are you a bonafide member of the Barbolian Fields Fan Club?
If not, we’d love to have you join us! Fan Club membership entitles you to advance notice on sales & freebies, things I come across that are worth sharing, and assorted ideas that don’t really fit into a blog post. I don’t send out newsletters very often – perhaps when I post a new blog entry, and only when I have something to say. I shoot for quarterly or oftener. I promise not to bog down your Inbox! [This is a form that actually works!]

Blythe Barbo
Barbolian Fields
3623 Woodcock Rd.
Sequim, WA 98382