November Blooms Golden Margeurite, Anthemis tinctoriaLavender (Lavandula angustifolia)Wild Mallow blooms nearly all yearMashua: Troepaeolum tuberosum - blooming in November - hummingbirds love this!Borage (Borago officinalis)Calendula (Calendula officinalis)Udo (Aralia cordata), Japanese SpikenardCostmary, Tanacetum balsamitaGolden Margeurite, Anthemis tinctoriaBindweed / Morning Glory (ugh! it never goes away!)Nasturtium - blooming in November at Barbolian FieldsHimalayan honeysuckle / Treacle tree: Leycesteria formosaOregano - one can never have enough!Pineapple Sage - another hummingbird favorite in November when there is not a lot available.Dandelion blooming in November!Fuschia, a hummingbird favoriteCommon Wild Mallow, Malva sylvestrisStrawberry Tree flower (Arbutus unedo)Hollyhock, Alcea roseaMashua: Troepaeolum tuberosum - a plant from the Andes. Hummingbirds love this!Strawberry Tree berry (Arbutus unedo)Purple Aster (Aster amellus)Mashua: Troepaeolum tuberosumPotato Vine - Solanum sppDahlia - so many varieties! A fall-blooming flower.Brassica flower - probably kale. I always let a few flower.Daisies