We couldn't even see this Contorted Hazelnut in early spring, it was so overgrown with thistles and weeds. Perhaps not the best picture, but you get the idea. I see a clear space to walk forward, and some Lavender and Golden Margeurite. This became a quite beautiful guild. We added Horehound, Oregano, and may other plants.

This was once completely thick with thistles. I pulled them all out and found Golden Margeurite, Lavender, Maximilian Sunflowers, Feverfew, a Contorted Hazel tree, and much much more. Yay! But here it is again, thistles back on their way and grass thicker and greener than ever. Groan.... (In the background is a worm composting bin)

This chaotic-looking area is actually a restoration success. In the background is the willow dome. Kiwi berries are using it as a trellis. In the foreground are pineapple sage, scorzonera, some wild mallow, and mugwort. Off to one side are currants, flowering nutmeg shrub, catnip, and purple goosefoot. Weaving at the front is a malabar squash (fig-leaf gourd) that has found its way all the way back into the orchard. Everything thrives. Chaos that works!