This is supposed to be a path. I even laid down cardboard, landscape fabric, and rocks in this area. One of the clumps back there is the spigot to my water line. We might find currants to the right, but not at the moment.

That is supposed to be a trellis for the hops in the distance. The Morning Glory loved it...and everything else.

Hops are ready to harvest...if I can get to them. The Morning Glory / Bindweed just loved the tall trellis I built for the hops.

Morning Glory / Bindweed has even swallowed up the blackberry canes!!!

The evil white trumpets of death: morning glory, aka bindweed. They show no mercy.

We couldn't even see this Contorted Hazelnut in early spring, it was so overgrown with thistles and weeds. Perhaps not the best picture, but you get the idea. I see a clear space to walk forward, and some Lavender and Golden Margeurite. This became a quite beautiful guild. We added Horehound, Oregano, and may other plants.

This was once completely thick with thistles. I pulled them all out and found Golden Margeurite, Lavender, Maximilian Sunflowers, Feverfew, a Contorted Hazel tree, and much much more. Yay! But here it is again, thistles back on their way and grass thicker and greener than ever. Groan.... (In the background is a worm composting bin)

This chaotic-looking area is actually a restoration success. In the background is the willow dome. Kiwi berries are using it as a trellis. In the foreground are pineapple sage, scorzonera, some wild mallow, and mugwort. Off to one side are currants, flowering nutmeg shrub, catnip, and purple goosefoot. Weaving at the front is a malabar squash (fig-leaf gourd) that has found its way all the way back into the orchard. Everything thrives. Chaos that works!