Birdfeeders under snow

February Flurries and Furies

February: Nature decides to have one last fling with Winter. The days get longer, the winds blow stronger. Rain, snow, pockets of sun, 50 shades of gray. Hawks, doves, opossums, and the promise of spring! It’s crazy out there!

Cherry leaves about to fall

October Turning

And suddenly it is the end of October! Time to get ready for winter! This post highlights what is blooming, fruiting, and transforming before our very eyes! It would be one of those “October Chores” posts, but instead offers ideas on what we *should* be doing if we weren’t so sidetracked by all the beauty around us!

Star Magnolia after a rain

Habitat Gardening to Save the Planet

A very simple thing we can all do to save the planet: Plant a seed. To create a garden for wildlife, simply provide what we all need: food, water, shelter, and a safe place to raise young.

Pink Viola

Primer for Planning a Garden for Pollinators

What will pollinators eat when they emerge from their winter havens? Here’s what’s blooming in my garden & pointers on planning a garden for pollinators.

Garlic Planting Conundrums, Part 2

Garlic Planting Conundrums, Part 2, in which we ask, where can you fit garlic in a permaculture landscape, what about companion planting with garlic, and what is the most efficient way to grow really great garlic?

So, in my earlier post, we talked a bit about figuring out where to plant the garlic from year to year, and how it can be a lot of work to break new ground and turn it into something soft and loose enough to grow a well-rounded, firm, disease-free, long-lasting, ultimately flavorful head of garlic, which is what we’re all after, right?

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