Pine Siskin in Star Magnolia

February Already! January Recap

Recap of the January garden: backyard birds, berries and seed heads, skeletal living willow sculptures, and Yes! flowers! Half-way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox! Days are getting longer! Should you track the changes with a journal of some sort? Maybe!

Garden Journal – Do You Have One? How to Make One – and Why?

One of my main goals for the garden this year is to do a better job of tracking things. This post is about ideas for a garden journal, and I would be very interested in hearing from my readers as to what works for them.

It seems that garden journals fall into two categories: those that are more like Planners and serve as guidelines, schedules, and a means of recording results for production gardens and small farms – and those that are more like Art Journals that document not only observations but also a spiritual journey, sometimes with a bit of flair and whimsy thrown in for good measure.

In the past, I have been on the practical, production side of things – make that, borderline fanatic about recording stats on the garlic crops, but I have always fallen short on keeping track of other things. This year, I’d like to try something different and make something that will be fun to look back on.