Seeds for Trade

Are you a seed saver?

I am sorting through the seeds I collected this last fall, and in the process, have gained a new appreciation for how clean the seeds are that come in little creative packets from companies both large and small. It is not as easy to separate the seed from the chaff as one might think!

Here is what I have, nothing in huge quantity, of course, except the phacelia, which the bees adore and is quite prolific – in fact, there are little phacelias sprouting up all around where they were last year.


Herb seeds Flower seeds
Catnip Borage
Celery Herb Calendula
Chives Cosmos
Coriander Dianthus / Pinks
Dill Echinacea
Hyssop Hollyhock
Parsley Lupine
Pennyroyal Phacelia
Vegetable seeds
Artichokes (globe) Roots & Tubers
Cardoon Horseradish
Carrot (Nantes variety) Jerusalem artichokes (2 varieties)
Sweet Peas Mashua Root
Weld Oca Root

I am open to trades, cash, or barter!

Contact me!


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